The Popular Cult Logo Aleister Crowley Sign Of Silence

- They All Wear The Dress -

Most if not all of the leading men in Hollywood have cross dressed in their movies. Daniel Craig, Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, Christian Bale, Robert Downey Junior, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Ryan Reynolds, And Dave Chappelle just to name a few. This is part of a ritual used to normalize things God has condemned as being an abomination. The Bible warns us that the devil will portray himself and his followers as an angel of light. Famous people are presented as the role models. When people see their favorite actor dressed as a woman it gives the perception that there is nothing wrong with this type of behavior. Now there are a countless number of people who are gender confused and destroying the lives of their own children.

- They Are Coming For Your Children -

Drag Queen story time is a sick program meant to propagandize children with a deranged sense of reality. It comes as no surprise that some of the men putting on these shows have been found to be convicted sex offenders. The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus put out a song in which they sing about converting children to their lifestyle. All of this works together with Hollywood’s influence on the masses to bring about another Sodom and Gomorrah.

- True TV -

What are all these popular movies and tv shows really telling us? The Matrix Trilogy, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Iron Man, The Avengers, Seinfeld, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Captain America Civil War, The Jason Bourne Series, The Santa Clarita Diet, Deadpool, Inception, Forgetting Sarah Marshal, Katy Perry, And Madonna performing at the Grammy awards all have an occult meaning.