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- Joining The Cult Part 2 -

Celebrities Katy Perry, Eminem, Rihanna, Michael Jackson, Nicki Minaj, Kesha, and Tupac talk about selling their souls to Satan and making deals with the Devil.

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Famous hollywood stars Michael Jackson, Rihanna, and Nicki Minaj talk about selling their souls to the devil and being demonically possessed.

Katy Perry and Eminem talk about selling their souls to the devil and making deals with Satan. They also prominently display occult freemasonic illuminati symbolism.

Famous hollywood celebrities Kesha and Tupac talk about selling their souls to the devil and display occult satanic illuminati symbolism.

Ariana Grande speaks of having demonic relationships and selling her soul to the devil. Justin Bieber displays occult satanic pedophile symbols in his music videos.

The occult satanic nature of Katy Perry’s music video dark horse revealed.